We are a group of physicians who specialize in Musculoskeletal medicine in our private practices, and who believe that the art and science of prolotherapy is teachable, and that the skills you attain will enable you to “get to the point” effectively and efficiently. The skills you learn are directly applicable to your practice.

Each course module targets a key musculoskeletal joint and/or region. You will learn the fundamentals of being able to diagnose your patient’s pain or injury, and accurately and consistently put your needle on the painful or injured ligament, tendon, or other structures.

Prolotherapy is a procedure where a natural irritant is injected into the soft tissue of an injured joint. The irritant kick-starts the body’s healing response. Prolotherapy is not a surgical treatment. Because of this, it is also known as a regenerative joint injection or non-surgical ligament and tendon reconstruction.
The most comprehensive course ever developed to learn the art and science of prolotherapy
Prolotherapy: Getting to the Point is the most comprehensive course ever developed for giving you the tools and tips to understand the steps to learning the science and art of diagnosing your patients, then guiding your needle to the precise point of treatment.
Dr. Thomas Ravin is one of the most accomplished and effective practitioners and teachers of the art and science of Prolotherapy.
For MD’s, naturopaths, nurse practitioners, PA’s, body workers, and professionals who treat non-surgical issues with the neck, thoracic, lumbar and lower-back, ankles, ilium, SI joint, shoulders, scars, and muscle spasms. Simple, safe, and easy-to-learn, using time-tested healing methods that can be administered quickly, and provide long-lasting relief.

Thomas Ravin, M.D.
Dr. Thomas Ravin, M.D. has been a practicing prolotherapist for nearly 30 years, and has been teaching prolotherapy to medical professionals since the early 1990’s.
Dr. Ravin has trained hundreds of professionals, using the experience he has gained from successfully treating thousands of patients.
Dr. Ravin’s text, Principles of Prolotherapy, written with Dr. Mark S. Cantieri, D.O. and Dr. George J. Pasquarello, D.O., is a best-seller, and is widely considered to be the most comprehensive text covering all aspects of prolotherapy.