Module 7: The Knee
Module 7: The Knee
The Knee module gives you an overview of the knee, and
includes detailed discussions and videos for the anatomy, physical examination,
relevant history, and landmarking and injections.
This module is very important to understanding both the
structure and key elements of the knee, as well as the important relationship
between the knee, foot, and ankle.
Dr. Ravin brings to bear his considerable experience in
successfully treating thousands of patients, combining instruction with
graphics, animations, slides, links, and other media to enable you to learn the
skills necessary to successfully treat patients using prolotherapy.
This will be helpful to you, in that it will allow you to
add another dimension to your practice of musculoskeletal medicine.
Module Topics
- Introduction
- Anatomy
Danger Zones
- History
- Physical Examination
- Landmarking and Injections
The power of getting to the point is that in many instances,
you will be treating a very small area that’s been injured. This module shows
you how to consistently get your needle to the injured site—quickly,
accurately, and effectively.
It is essential to gather these fundamental skills, which
include the scientific background for how it works, the ability to take good
histories, administer directed physical examinations, derive a good
differential diagnosis, identify and spot landmarks, and target your
All of these are techniques that you will learn throughout this
Course Information
Dr. Thomas Ravin, M.D. has been a practicing prolotherapist
for nearly 30 years, and has been teaching prolotherapy to medical
professionals since the early 1990’s. Dr. Ravin has trained hundreds of
professionals, using the experience he has gained from successfully treating
thousands of patients. Dr. Ravin’s text, Principles of Prolotherapy, written
with Dr. Mark S. Cantieri, D.O. and Dr. George J. Pasquarello, D.O., is a
best-seller, and is widely considered to be the most comprehensive text
covering all aspects of prolotherapy.